is a prime choice for teams and clubs looking for the best in the world of online fundraising platforms. We offer an online app that requires no download, allowing for raising money with less effort, less hassle, and zero gimmicks. 

Reasons to Fundraise 

Fundraising can be a team-building endeavor that demonstrates the great things that are possible with collaboration. Sports teams, bands, and even academic clubs find that allocated funds usually fail to meet their needs, making fundraising necessary. Beyond just raising money, though, the process identifies a collective goal and encourages the team to work together to reach it. 

Uniforms, transportation, meals, community service, and other expenses are commonly faced by extracurricular groups, and virtual fundraising, like the donation drives we make possible through Fund, is the future of fundraisers.  

Traditional fundraisers involve selling products, charging for services or homemade treats, hosting events with an admission fee, and interesting ways to request donations through a competition or game. Virtual fundraisers are quite different. allows students to request donations from family members and friends without selling products, washing cars, knocking on doors, or planning events. An online donation campaign can be safer and surprisingly lucrative, especially when using charges no set-up fee, no minimum campaign requirement, and an incredibly low 5% commission. The entire process requires three steps for participation: 

  • Sign up by the campaign organizer, followed by entering the email addresses of potential supporters who will receive requests for donations customized to the connected student; 
  • Sharing a student-tied link to individual social media feeds; 
  • Sharing a link designated for the team's social media. 

The links we provide let donors give online through debit/credit card, PayPal, Apple Pay, or Google Pay. Beyond our 5% commission, the only other fee is charged by the credit card payment processor, and it's never greater than 3%. users therefore keep 92% of their teams' donations and receive 80% as soon as the donation campaign ends. After a brief hold in case problems arise, the rest of the money is sent.  

The email verification process we use promises 10% more valid emails - rejecting entries with errors related to spelling or typing. Students should be sure not to enter made-up emails or email addresses of people they don't know. Abusing the system in this way could result in the student’s banishment from our program. also automatically sends notification emails when donations come in and urges students to send thank-you messages to supporters. 

Where Fund-Team Originated is an example of what can come from being sick and tired of corporate greed. When the founder's daughter was in school and participating in dance team fundraisers, he recognized the value of online fundraising but was repelled by the ridiculous commissions and fees. was born in response. 

While we began as a custom-made online donation platform for a single club, we've spread quickly through word of mouth. 

Call 512-789-3397 or click here to schedule a call. Already convinced? Click here to sign up and start your fundraising campaign today.