A booster club's purpose is to "boost" the team it supports, so fundraisers naturally go hand-in-hand with its activities. Unfortunately, fundraisers can be quite a headache. Fund-Team.com offers a fully web-based method for hosting a donation campaign. It’s simple, secure, and lucrative.

Popular Booster Club Fundraisers

Auctions and Raffles

Silent or verbal, online or in-person, an auction is a popular option for fundraising, as are raffles. Area businesses will usually donate items to auction off, and individual boosters may also volunteer services that can be auctioned. A sports team may auction autographed merchandise, and a dance or music group could auction performance tickets or special seating.

A raffle will also be a successful option for fundraising. Like an auction, you can seek out donations of items to be raffled or do a 50/50 raffle where the winner gets ½ of the value of tickets sold. For example, if you sell tickets for $1 and sell 500 tickets, the booster club will profit $250, and the winner will receive $250. This fundraiser's cost is limited to the expense of printing the tickets.

Plate Dinner Sales

From spaghetti plates to fried fish dinner plates, when boosters come together and prepare dinner plates based on tickets sold before the event, you'll be surprised by the funds that can be raised. Make the occasion an event by setting up games, including a raffle, and arranging for entertainment. Most area grocery stores, and even some restaurants, will volunteer products and services to prepare the meals, or you can fire up the grill or smoker and make it yourselves! Get the team involved to make this fundraiser even more successful.


A walk-a-thon, or a fundraiser like it, allows participants to raise funds based on pledges for activities completed. A walk-a-thon will request a pledge for each mile or lap walked.

Fundraiser Sales

Product fundraisers are a popular option for raising money. Popcorn, fruit, and other items can be a quick seller. Unfortunately, these fundraisers also take quite a bit of the profits. Fund-Team.com limits our commission to 5% of the donations made. Consider the donation platform to cut out the middleman. Supporters can offer donations without having to buy overpriced items they may not want at all. 

Game Night

Hosting a game night, bingo night, or other celebration that sells tickets for attendance is an excellent idea for a booster fundraiser. A social occasion with a purpose appeals to a range of potential supporters and can draw the team closer as a unit and to the community.

Online Donation Drive

No matter how many fundraisers you plan, an online donation drive through Fund-Team.com costs you nothing but ten minutes of your time and a mere 5% of the donations earned. Set-up costs nothing, and we require no minimum for the campaign. Our site is secure, and we accept Google Pay, Apple Pay, PayPal, and debit/credit cards, which charge about 3% for processing.

Once the campaign organizer signs up for a campaign, they will schedule a club meeting for members to enter the email addresses and cell numbers they've gathered of potential donors. They'll also share the unique link that we'll provide for their social media feeds. We will also provide a link for the booster club's social media pages. Then members will simply need to remember to thank donors as donations come in. 

Fund-Team.com deserves a place among your booster club fundraisers.

Call 512-522-1338 or click here to schedule a call. Already convinced? Click here to sign up and start your first fundraising campaign today.