Church groups interested in fundraiser ideas that elevate their money-raising efforts should consider integrating into their plans. We provide a platform that is 100% web-based, requiring no downloads, little time investment, a low 5% commission, and zero set-up fees.

While most churches rely on weekly giving by congregants to cover the church's overhead and designated benevolence, the tried-and-true basket pass during church services doesn't have to be the only way to secure money for the congregation's general fund.

Welcome a Variety of Payment Methods

How does your church accept donations? If cash or check is the only choice, you’re likely limiting the donation potential. Fewer and fewer people are carrying cash or writing checks; they rely on debit cards. If you make it possible to give through a debit card, your numbers will grow. 

Furthermore, if you can welcome bank transfers, PayPal, Google Pay, and Apple Pay, you’ll make it more convenient for giving, and convenience always equals greater participation.

Welcome Recurring, Scheduled Donations

Regular church attendees who give regularly will appreciate the convenience of a regularly scheduled donation, much like their utility or mortgage payments. Allow congregants to set up a gift in the amount and frequency of their choice! Nothing prevents them from giving at other times when their blessings surpass expectations.

Welcome Donations via QR Codes

QR codes can guide visitors to your church’s website or social media pages, but you can also post them to make giving easier. These graphics can be included in the projected announcements, the weekly bulletin, or in various other places around the church building to guide potential donors to their use. Embracing technology in this fashion is an excellent way to increase donations among the 30-year-old and younger crowd.

Welcome Gifts in Memoriam

Just about every member of a congregation shares memories of a loved one. By incorporating flower displays, recognition on the announcement board, weekly newsletter bulletins, or even a dedicated pew, you can raise funds and give congregants a greater sense of peace and belonging.

This type of donation with recognition is also appropriate for graduations, birthdays, anniversaries, and other significant occasions.

Welcome Virtual Donations

Virtual donation platforms like allow churches to appeal to the church community for support outside the church building. Not only will these appeals draw in support for the work of the church, but they will also indirectly encourage recipients to grow in their church interactions. is a fully web-based platform for donation requests. Appeals can be sent through email or text messaging, and we provide links for individual members to post on social media and a general link for the church's social media platforms.

Setting up this donation drive will take a few minutes and costs nothing. We charge a minimal 5% commission, compared to 20% by our competitors, and there's zero minimum required. Participants lose nothing and pay little when they choose, but the potential rewards are impressive. donation campaigns average $300/individual participant nationwide.

Call 512-522-1338 or click here to schedule a call. Already convinced? Click here to sign up and start your first fundraising campaign today.