Calling all schools! Embrace the ease and effectiveness of the virtual world with a fully web-based fundraising app: 

Why Fundraise? 

Most extracurricular organizations need funds - from the marching band to the dance team, cheer squad, sports teams, and academic clubs - and fundraising is critical to their efforts. The collective process of raising funds is also a great way to bring together the participants, the school, and the community.  

Whether your group has a planned trip, needs uniforms, or is facing another expense, raising funds is necessary. As more activities have gone digital, it stands to reason that fundraising would also.  

Popular fundraiser activities include: 

  • Selling popcorn, candy bars, wrapping paper, etc. 
  • Holding car washes, bake sales, and yard sales 
  • Charging admission to an event related to the club’s activities 
  • Raffles, games, activity-a-thons, and other inventive ways of requesting donations 
  • Virtual donations through online fundraising platforms like 

Why Online Fundraising? 

With online fundraising, students have no product to sell, no services to provide, no events to plan, and no doors to knock, making the campaign safer, more convenient, and, surprisingly, more effective, particularly when teams choose 

Why Fund-Team for Online Fundraising? is a 100% web-based online fundraising platform with no setup charges and a very low 5% commission. We make it easy to establish and implement the fundraiser through three avenues: 

  • The fundraising campaign page has a link for students to enter the email addresses of family members and friends; 
  • There is a unique link for students to share on their social media feeds or messaging apps; 
  • The team organizer can share a link on the team’s social media. 

These links allow supporters of the student to make direct donations via credit card, PayPal, Apple Pay, or Google Pay. After paying a small 5% commission and credit card processing fee of around 3%, users of receive approximately 92% of the money raised, and they receive 80% of it upon completion of the campaign. The other funds follow after a short hold for any issues that may arise with donations.  

Consequently, our users keep more of what they earn and get their funds far faster than when using other online fundraising companies. uses email verification to prevent data entry errors from kicking back entries, resulting in 10% more valid emails sent to potential donors. We also send an email notifying students of donations and prompting them to send a message of gratitude. 

The Origin of was a custom program developed to help raise funds for the founders’ daughter’s dance team. They recognized that most fundraisers, whether selling products or accepting online donations, only let the school organization keep about 50% of the funds raised in the best situations. The greediness of this situation astounded them, and they decided to create their own avenue to solve it. The result was 

Over time, word of mouth has spread about the use of this program, and current campaigns earn an average of $300/student. 

Call 512-789-3397 or click here to schedule a call. Already convinced? Click here to sign up and start your first fundraising campaign today.