Participation in the school band is more than an activity for most students - it becomes a source of joy, identity, and passion. Fundraising for school band expenses requires a host of ideas to propel your group toward success. provides a straightforward, safe, and convenient way to raise money to promote the band’s activities. 

School Bands and Fundraising 

Bands have expenses that go well beyond the limited budget supplied by the school. Consider this non-exhaustive list: 

  • Transportation to events 
  • Marching uniforms 
  • Sheet music 
  • Choreography 
  • Color guard uniforms and props 
  • Incidentals 

Loose Change Drive 

A tried-and-true method of fundraising for the band is a loose change drive. Band members request permission to place labeled jars throughout the school and the community. Gas stations, concession stands, food trucks, and other cash-driven businesses are great locations since customers can deposit their change quickly. 

Host a Fundraising Concert 

A concert held for fundraising allows band members to raise money while showcasing their talents. Band members can sell tickets, boosters can have a concession stand, and the band can even offer to play songs in honor of another person for a fee. This event should be advertised throughout the community for the greatest success. 

Fundraising Sales of Candy Bars, Popcorn, Wrapping Paper, etc. 

Whether selling popcorn, fruit, or candy, the goal is to raise money. But for some organizations, these fundraisers are expected during the school year. And unfortunately, many companies return only a small portion of the sales to the organization. 

Sell Fish Fry, Spaghetti Dinner, or Chili Plates 

Local grocery stores and/or restaurants will often supply products and services free of charge, or at wholesale prices, for band fundraising. Selling plate tickets and then preparing and passing out the ordered food can be an event that encompasses full band and booster participation and reap significant funds for the band’s purposes. 

Host a Band Boosting Bingo Bash 

Bingo is an activity that will bring out the community, especially when it raises money for the school band. Amp up the fundraising with food and beverage sales, and be sure to accompany the evening with upbeat tunes performed intermittently by the band through the evening. Collect a door fee and give out fun or exciting prizes for a successful experience. 

Virtual Fundraising Campaign 

The digital era has introduced a new means of fundraising: online donation drives. Companies like offer the platform required for these straightforward, safe, and easy fundraising efforts; however, too many of them charge exorbitant commissions for using their services.  

Unlike our competitors, which take 30% or more, we charge only a 5% commission. Depending on the payment method, a processing fee of around 3% will also be charged. Ultimately users will keep at least 92% of their donations. 

We also deliver the funds to the users faster, notify students when a donation is made, and prompt th student to send a thank you message to the donor. 

Choose for: 

  • Sales-free fundraising 
  • Cash-free fundraising 
  • Automatic emails and reminders 
  • 10-minute setup 
  • 5% commission 
  • Shareable via text and social media pages 
  • National average of $300/student raised 

As you collect a set of fundraising ideas for the school band, keep in the mix. 

Call 512-789-3397 or click here to schedule a call. Already convinced? Click here to sign up and start your first fundraising campaign today.