Raising funds is an integral part of practically every extracurricular activity for students - from athletics to band, dance, and even debate and other academic clubs. Recently, fundraising websites have become a valuable tool in this process, and Fund-Team.com offers a range of benefits that others simply don’t, such as greater convenience and a higher percentage of the donations received.

Fund-Team.com is entirely web-based (there’s no app to download). We support fundraising efforts of teams, clubs, and other extracurricular organizations that promote online fundraising efforts through donation drives.

We provide a convenient and effective way to reach out to family, friends, and other prospective donors. With an online fundraising campaign, students are not exposed to the risks of door-to-door sales. The process is also simpler and faster, and we take a smaller percentage of the donations than our competition.

Mike and Janice Panoff, the creators and founders of Fund-Team.com, saw the benefits of online fundraising through their own experiences as their children made their way through school. During fundraising sales, relatives would express the desire to donate rather than make purchases in order for the organization to reap greater benefit. 

Later, as virtual donation drives first began, they realized how unfair providers were in their retention of a high percentage of the donations. Fund-Team.com charges 5% of the total donations - a far cry from the 20% and higher that other providers keep.

After processing fees of about 3% factor in, clubs walk away with around 92% of their donation total.

Expectations for a Donation Drive

A donation drive with Fund-Team.com requires that a campaign organizer first sign up the team or club. The organizer will fill out all of the information for the campaign and prepare to hold a sign-up meeting with the group.

The instructions provided for the sign-up meeting include a blank donor list for each member to gather emails of family members and friends. During the sign-up meeting, each team member should use the sign-up link that we provide in order to join the campaign, add a headshot, and input all of the donor information they have collected. 

Wi-Fi could be affected with this much use, so instruct all of your participants to turn off their Wi-Fi as they use their smartphones to sign up. Club members must also be sure to only input valid donor emails. They should not use any that are made up or unknown to the particular student. 

We’ll provide an individual link to be shared by each member through texts and on their social media feeds as well as a link for the organizer to share on the team’s or club’s social media.

Unique Features of Fund-Team.com:

  • Emails delivered to potential donors will include a picture of the student and come with the student’s name in the “from” line
  • Donations made through credit cards processed through the Stripe system, PayPal, Google Pay, and Apple Pay
  • Email verification for 10% more genuine emails
  • Student notification of donations
  • Prompts for sending gratitude
  • 5% commission on all donations
  • Faster payment of donations to the participating club
  • National average of $300/student per campaign
  • No sales required
  • No cash to handle
  • 10-minute setup
  • Leverages SMS and social media

Explore more about Fund-Team.com - the best of the fundraising websites. Call 512-522-1338 or click here to schedule a call. Already convinced? Click here to sign up and start your first fundraising campaign today.