School fundraisers are unavoidable for districts that want to do as much as possible for their students. Budgets simply don't cover the extras that students deserve. As you plan school fundraiser packages, you may feel uncomfortable and wonder how to ask for donations. When you leave the asking to, all you’ll have to do is spend ten minutes entering contact information. The rest is up to us.

Donation Requests - Make Them Count

How can you make donation requests as effective as possible? We've gathered a few suggestions to help you maximize your donation campaign.

Personalize the Request

When donation requests come from a loved one, the gift is more readily given. includes the name of the student requesting along with a headshot to make sure that the recipient knows who is asking for assistance. 

We also suggest that when students share their links to social media, they identify a few reasons their school could use the money. What areas need improvement? How does the school plan to spend the excess funds?

Stress the Importance of the Need

A donation request should also clearly indicate a significant and urgent need. Your family members and friends will be more likely to give if they know their donation is needed immediately. They want to feel like they're part of something great, and can help them feel that way.

Simplify Giving

When donating is easy, supporters give before they can second guess the urge. sends automatic emails and text messages with links that supporters can click to give, and the links that we provide function the same way when posted to social media feeds. For maximum convenience, we accept debit/credit card payments, Google Pay, Apple Pay, and PayPal. 

Choose for Your Fundraiser

Online donation campaigns let schools, clubs, and teams generate funds without the aggravation of traditional fundraisers. Users don’t have to keep up with cash or checks, sell overpriced merchandise, wash cars, or bake cookies. The process is safe, and more of the donation actually goes to the intended target. A campaign generates an average of $300/student.

Our process is streamlined and costs a minimal 5% commission, as opposed to the 20% charged by competing platforms. Payment processing requires an additional 3%, and schools keep about 92% of the donations they receive.

Of course, remembering to say thank you is as important as knowing how to ask for donations for a school fundraiser. We provide students with a notification to prompt them to send messages of gratitude when donations are made.

Key Features of

  • NO sales to make
  • NO services to provide
  • NO cash or checks exchanged
  • Automatic emails and text messages
  • Tracking available
  • 10-minute set-up
  • NO set-up fee
  • NO minimum to raise
  • 5% commission
  • Links to share via social media provided
  • National average of $300/student/campaign

Add to your fundraising plans, and you won’t have to wonder how to ask for donations or earn fees. We’ll take care of it all. Call 512-522-1338 or click here to schedule a call. Already convinced? Click here to sign up and start your first fundraising campaign today.