should become an integrated part of all school basketball team fundraisers! We provide a 100% web-based platform. No apps to download, minimal commissions, and a straightforward process make us the ideal format for hosting a virtual donation campaign.

Raising Money for School Basketball Teams

If you love to play the game of basketball but hate fundraising, consider incorporating into your plan for raising money.

Hosting Online Donation Campaigns via

An online donation campaign is quite different from traditional fundraising options. You’ll have no products to sell, services to provide, doors to knock, or cash to manage. provides a process that raises funds even more effectively than other fundraisers. provides virtual donation drives that bring in an average of $300 per student. We offer a simple way for students to request and accept donations, which makes including our service in a larger fundraising plan a no-brainer. campaigns feature:

  • Free set-up
  • No minimum donation/campaign
  • Minimal 5% commission
  • 10-minute set-up
  • Streamlined system for donation drive - students input email addresses and phone numbers of potential supporters and share a unique link on their social media; campaign organizers share the team’s link on its social media
  • Donations accepted by credit/debit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay, or Google Pay for a processing fee of ~3%
  • ~92% retention of donations, with 80% paid right away and 20% held for 60 days to ensure all payments clear
  • Email validation delivers 10% more emails successfully without delivery failure due to typos.

Additional Fundraiser Ideas

Some fundraisers work better than others. Here, we've collected a set of fundraisers that work effectively and welcome the inclusion of an online donation drive facilitated by

Hold a 3-Pointer-a-Thon

A 3-point-a-thon adds a bit of interest to a donation campaign. Participants can request pledges from family members and friends. Parents can request pledges from co-workers and other community members. During the event, athletes will score as many 3-pointers as possible and then collect the pledges from their supporters. 

Host a 3-on-3 Hoop Tournament

Another fundraiser opportunity is hosting a 3-on-3 tournament, where teams of 3 can sign up for a fun day of play. Each team should pay an entry fee, businesses can sponsor the event, commissions can be sold, and raffles can be held during the event.

Secure Business Sponsorships

Area businesses often support youth sports teams. This support goes far to further a company’s’ brand image within the community. Teams can offer tiers of sponsorships with different rates for different levels of recognition and include a sponsorship page on the team’s website, signage during games, and logo placement on communications.

Hold a Traditional Fundraiser

Traditional fundraisers like car washes, bake sales, and raffles are tried-and-true ways to raise funds. They can be held with little planning and can be held often. can readily be incorporated into these and other school basketball team fundraisers. Call 512-522-1338 or click here to schedule a call. Already convinced? Click here to sign up and start your first fundraising campaign today.