Looking for quality school fundraiser websites? Look no further than Fund-Team.com

Schools facing budget shortfalls turn to fundraising to pay for programs that would otherwise be neglected without extra revenue. Fundraisers can take many forms, including merchandise/service sales, pledge drives, raffles, and fundraising events. However, online fundraisers have become much more prevalent since the pandemic, and Fund-Team.com is the absolute best option if you want a hassle-free, effective, safe, and fairly priced platform for hosting an online donation drive.

With Fund-Team.com, the only up-front investment made is time. You have nothing to lose but ten minutes because the setup is free, and there is no minimum fundraising requirement.

Our service's commission is a low 5%, compared to the 20% commission of similar providers. Add the ~3% fee for payment processing, and 92% of the donations received go back to the school. 

The Fund-Team.com process requires no app downloads; we’re a fully web-based platform for requesting and accepting donations. Donations can be made through various payment options, including debit/credit card payments via Stripe, PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Pay.

To begin a campaign powered by Fund-Team.com, the fundraiser organizer should sign up for a donation drive on our website and schedule a meeting for participants to sign up. When notifying participants of the meeting, be sure to advise them to gather email addresses and cell phone numbers of potential supporters—family members, friends, co-workers, church members, etc. They’ll need this information during the sign-up meeting. 

We advise participants to use cellular data rather than Wi-Fi when registering and entering contact information for potential supporters. To increase the success of our fundraisers, we use an email verification system, which increases the delivery rates of our requests by 10%. Emphasize to your supporters that all entries should contain valid information and be limited to people they know. Abuse of our system warrants a ban on individuals' future use of our platform. 

During the sign-up meeting, participants will receive unique links to share on social media and the opportunity to enter the information required to send automated requests to supporters. We will also provide a link for the school to share on its social media feed. 

When emails and text messages arrive at their intended recipients, the personalization our system adds promotes legitimacy and increases the likelihood of a response. Each request will feature a headshot and the student's name associated with it.

Gratitude shouldn’t be forgotten. Fund-Team.com sends notifications when donations are made in response to email requests, and a system to do the same for text-inspired donations is in the works. Emphasize to participants that saying thanks is critical to the future success of fundraising efforts.

Donations are instantly trackable, so the remaining amount needed to reach the goal becomes a source of motivation and accountability. When the campaign ends, we direct 80% of the donations to you immediately, while 20% of payments are held over for 60 days to ensure that all payments clear. After two months, all donations will be processed, minus our 5% commission and the estimated 3% payment processing fee.

Choose Fund-Team.com, one of the best school fundraiser websites, for hosting an online donation drive that is lucrative, seamless, and safe. Call 512-522-1338 or click here to schedule a call. Already convinced? Click here to sign up and start your first fundraising campaign today.