Participating in the high school band has advantages beyond learning to play an instrument. From improving analytical pattern recognition by learning to read music to learning time management skills by balancing practice, drills, games, and concerts alongside other obligations and developing a mind and body connection through playing and marching, the band helps students become more well-rounded as a person, not just a musician. Support this incredible program and your student’s participation in it! 

Bands have expenses. Uniforms, travel, competitions, sheet music, and other expenses require fundraisers. Follow these tips when setting up a successful fundraiser for a high school band, including a virtual donation drive powered by

Set a Fundraising Goal

Every endeavor begins with a goal. You’ll know you’ve succeeded when you know exactly how much you need to raise. Compare the upcoming expenses with your budget and establish a target. Defining the end goal provides motivation, focus, and accountability.

Establish Roles

When planning a long-term fundraising project, the team must have specific roles to get the work done. Whether the band boosters or members are raising funds, committees or individuals should be responsible for planning, marketing, and tracking.

Choose a Fundraising Plan

Fundraisers come in so many forms that selecting the right one can be challenging. Bands may hold a benefit concert, sell products, solicit community business and program sponsorships, sell services, or raise funds online. 

Promote Your Fundraiser for Maximum Success

With a fundraising plan defined, you’ll be more likely to succeed and reach your goals. Define the time, dates, venues, required materials, and steps to follow. One of these steps is to promote the fundraiser appropriately. We suggest using various methods, including the social media links we’ll provide for each participant and the band in general, announcements at school, through the band’s newsletters, and flyers posted virtually and around the community.

Maintain Engagement of Participants

Band members must stay engaged during the fundraiser to achieve maximum results., for instance, offers ways for participants to increase the odds of success. Participants can brainstorm as many potential supporters as possible and regularly update their social media feeds with donation request links and personalized statements explaining why supporting the band matters to them personally. 

Track Fundraising Progress

Keeping track of how much has been raised and how much more is needed to meet the band’s pre-identified goal is an excellent way to hold the group accountable and motivated. The band should have a person in the role of maintaining this information, and provides a simple avenue for checking in on the status of every donation drive.

Say Thanks!

When supporters respond to the band’s needs, participants need to say thanks! encourages users to express gratitude by sending notifications for donations made in response to email requests, with a similar process for other contributions in the works. Until then, campaign managers should encourage participants to monitor donations and thank their supporters.

Choose to conveniently hold a donation drive online in a way that achieves results safely and suitably. Call 512-522-1338 or click here to schedule a call. Already convinced? Click here to sign up and start your first fundraising campaign today.