Team fundraising websites like help teams raise more funds and keep more of what they raise. We provide a fully web-based platform that doesn’t require payment for establishing a campaign or an app download.

Teams and Fundraising

Teams need to fundraise. It’s as important to their success as recruiting and practice. Athletes who participate in sports need to also raise funds for teams to which they’re loyal. Is your team tired of selling merchandise out of fundraising catalogs only for a small margin of the profits in return? Reach out to for donations from supportive family members and friends.

Keys to Successful Fundraisers

  • Explain how the money will be spent. The money teams need to accomplish their goals will come in more readily when potential donors know why they’re giving.
  • Relate how long the team has to raise the funds. When competitions loom and deadlines are near, fundraisers will be more successful when potential donors feel the urgency of the request. Include in your posts details about the upcoming events and needs of the team.
  • Make the donation request personal. provides personalized emails that contain headshots of the student-athletes and their names in the “from” lines. This detail lets family members and friends know the requests are legitimate.
  • Reiterate to students how important it is to enter valid emails of people they know. They shouldn’t make up emails or use those belonging to celebrities or strangers. We ban students from the use of our platform for this behavior.
  • Use easy and popular forms of communication to your advantage. Team members input email addresses of family members and friends who receive automatic email requests. We send a special link for each student to post on social media as well as a general one for posting on the team’s social media. You’ll be surprised at how widespread the news of your cause will be with one simple post that is shared, liked, and clicked.
  • Welcome donations easily. It should be easy to donate through a virtual donation campaign. accepts donations through debit/credit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Pay. Each of these methods requires a small ~3% processing fee.
  • Remember to say thanks. Gratitude should be a given for any fundraiser, and automatically notifies participants when donations are made and prompts students to send thank you messages.

Choose because:

  • We don’t require an app download; the entire platform works through our website;
  • We don’t charge for initiating the campaign, and there’s no minimum expected for the campaign;
  • Students won’t handle cash or sell products;
  • We send automatic emails, notifications, and reminders;
  • Quick and easy 10-minute setup;
  • 5% commission instead of 20% as taken by competitor platforms;
  • After commission and processing, our participants keep approximately 92% of the donations they earn;
  • 80% of donations are dispersed at the culmination of the campaign with the other 20% to follow after a few months in case issues arise with any of the donations;
  • Maximized donations, safety, and simplicity;
  • Average raised with a campaign is $300/student. provides a wealth of advantages that other team fundraising websites don’t. If you have questions, call 512-522-1338 or click here to schedule a call. Already convinced? Click here to sign up and start your first fundraising campaign today.