School sports teams and interest-based extracurricular activities find that efforts to fundraise money are critical to their success, and today’s organizations find that websites like exist for this very purpose: to enhance that success while securing safety for students and convenience for donors and donation seekers.

The concept of raising money online isn't new - think GoFundMe or Kickstarter. Websites for school-based fundraisers are simply a natural extension of this concept, but they require a different setup and process to protect students and prevent abuse of the donor pool. lets you create a donation campaign and share it with friends, family members, and community members via SMS and social media for a stronger donation drive and enhanced appreciation of the club.

As you consider the fundraising websites available, focus on the following features:

  • FEES - While every fundraising website will charge fees, some are much higher than others. came into existence due to one parent's disgust with the greed of other fundraising websites. We charge a 5% fee instead of the typical 20% of our competitors.
  • FEATURES - The available fundraising websites will have different features., for instance, provides an entirely web-based platform for a donation campaign that targets the actual support community of the organizations' participants.
  • REACH - While some fundraising websites have greater reach than others, choose sites like to specifically target your organization's community. We send targeted emails to addresses provided by group members and social media links to be shared by the individual members. 
  • EASE OF USE - When a website is challenging to use, donors will give up before they click that final donate button. is geared toward user convenience. 

First Steps with

Once you decide to use for your team or club fundraiser, the first step will be to sign up for a campaign, and then you’ll schedule a sign-up meeting and disperse an email collection sheet for students to complete before the meeting. will provide a sign-up link for students to use during the meeting. They’ll enter valid email addresses of family members and friends. We will then send targeted donation requests with the student’s name in the “from” line and a headshot of the student in the email to reassure the recipient of the genuine nature of the request. We will also provide individual links for students to share on social media and a link for the campaign organizer to share on the team’s social media. 

As donations come in, students will receive notifications and prompts to send messages of thanks to the donors. That’s it. Can you imagine an easier way to incorporate web-based fundraising into your group’s fundraising package?

The average fundraiser earns $300/student, and the team keeps around 92% of donations once our 5% commission and the ~3% credit card processing fees are deducted. We can accept donations from credit/debit cards, Google Pay, Apple Pay, and PayPal. delivers donations faster than most web-based fundraising platforms, making us one of the best websites to fundraise money. You'll receive 80% of the donations immediately; we'll retain the rest for 60 days in case of payment problems. Call 512-522-1338 or click here to schedule a call. Already convinced? Click here to sign up and start your first fundraising campaign today.